This mural was very influenced by the “I Am a Man” place cards. Jasmine often uses “I Am a Woman” as a motif in her work. There is power in naming oneself and she wanted the viewer to have space to do that. Pulling inspiration from Piet Mondrien for the color pallet, she used variations of primary colors to make the work translate clearly. The figure is the most inticate part of the composition. Too often, we don’t appreciate the complexity of individuals, especially in femme-presenting bodies

Jasmine Nicole Williams is a Black American visual artist born and raised in Atlanta, GA. She received her BFA in Printmaking from the University of West Georgia. Her work centers on identity and personal politics where she explores her southern, black, and femme identities. In her practice, she gives space for black women and girls to exist without limits.

I create a space where I can fully and freely express myself. Presently, I am exploring hyper-awareness of self. Black girls are taught to be aware of how their bodies are perceived and are responsible for any consequences of those perceptions. My work gives black women the space to undo those learned ways of being and teaches black girls to own all of who they are.
— jasmine nicole williams

Artist Assistant: Angela Bortone